This course is designed for practitioners who have studies the foundations of paediatric acupuncture - with Julian or another diploma equivalent provider.
Covering complex conditions Lingering Pathogenic Factors, chronic cough, cranial compression, insomnia and enuresis (bed wetting) - this course tackles common and challenging conditions you are likely to see in your acupuncture practice.
Course description
This course provides you with the essential tools to expand your acupuncture practice to include treating babies and children. This module covers "Lingering Pathogenic Factors" – an event which includes ‘infection’ by a virus or bacterium, and also includes immunisation. An infection which might keep an adult in bed with a fever for a few days can cause lasting damage to a child. The three common patterns will be taught: Spleen Qi Xu, Retention of Phlegm, Retention of very thick phlegm.
We have a special guest module presented by Will Maclean, (Australia) Lingering Pathogenic Factors in Adults:
In addition in this module Julian Scott covers chronic cough and asthma which are the most commonly seen complaints in a children's clinic. And although not as common, the effects of cranial compression are also taught in this module - because if left untreated can lead to problems in later life.
Because insomnia and bedwetting are distressing for children and exhausting for parent, particular attention is given to these two areas. And we have a special guest presentation about Bach Flowers for Bed Wetting presented by Sharon Loerzer.
Learning Objectives
β Learn about the three common patterns of LPF: Spleen Qi Xu, Retention of Phlegm, Retention of very thick phlegm.
β Gain an insight into how to treat chronic cough and asthma
β Learn about the effects of cranial compression and when to refer
β Understand the underlying causes of insomnia in babies and children
β Learn how to effectively treat bed-wetting with acupuncture and coaching parents with the best Bach Flower remedies to safely support them at home.
PDF Downloadable notes accompany all of the modules.
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